How you can help your cat with their anxiety

I'm sorry for being MIA... But I am back!!

Welcome to issue #16 of Chumkaā€™s Weekly!

Hello there furriend and happy Caturday! Itā€™s been a very long minute since I wrote a newsletter. Iā€™ve been so busy the last couple of weeks - literally burning the candle on both ends. And we are officially in the fall season! I hope we get to have a gorgeous and colorful fall šŸ’›

How you can help your cat with their anxiety

So a while back I sent a newsletter that I found a way to help Chumka with his anxiety of humans and ā€œunknownā€ when adventuring. Now I know that this topic might not apply to every (adventure) cat parents. But there are couple principles that you can apply when working with an anxious cat.

Chumka has always been anxious and apprehensive about strangers, especially outdoors. He has his safe spaces (such as home, inside backpack or in the car) where he is a bit more open to people. But as soon as he sees a person outside of those safe places - he freezes or tries to hide/ run away.

A while back I started taking Chumka on my little neighbouthood walks in his backpack. It was too hot to go on adventures, but I wanted to give him that mental exercise. After couple walks he started popping his head out from the backpack to see more. And he would be totally chill when we spoke with the neighbours - and he normally shakes in this situation!

I made a blog post outlining all other ā€œmethodsā€ I tried but were not successful for us. However, that does not mean that they wonā€™t work in general šŸ™‚ 

Do you have any questions on this weekā€™s newsletter? Or maybe you want me to discuss a specific issue or question?

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More reading material on the topicā€¦

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Did you knowā€¦

Cats are exceedingly sensitive to sound; their range of hearing extends well above and below the range of human hearing. It is probable that the cat has a keener sense of hearing than most dogs, since it depends more upon sight and hearing than smell when hunting.

New from Chumkaā€™s Instagram / Furriend of the week

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Feel free to write something about your pets and leave your social media handle(s)!

Some cool finds from the internetā€¦

Memes to brighten your day

Thatā€™s it for this week, see you all next week for another Chumka Weekly!

~Paulina & Chumka šŸˆā€ā¬›

Chumka says hi:)