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- Fall and winter activity ideas for your cat(s)!
Fall and winter activity ideas for your cat(s)!
Welcome to issue #15 of Chumka’s Weekly!
Hello there furriend and happy Caturday! 💛
What you can do with your cat, even when the weather starts to cool off
I am soooo excited for fall and winter! This year’s summer has been unbearable – heat waves, really awful wildfires, and smoke… I do know that the colder seasons might make it difficult to find things to do with your pets… so let’s dive into some exciting activity ideas to keep your cat happy and entertained during the fall and winter months:
Explore the outdoors before the winter comes. Time flies so fast that before you know it, we will watch the snow fall… So enjoy the fall colours while you can 😻
Indoor obstacle course! Sometimes I just throw pillows and blankets in the living room, and hide some of Chumka’s snacks in there. He has so much fun looking for them - and I don’t have to do much to entertain him hehe
Interactive toys and puzzles - I like to switch those up to keep my cat’s brain happy and engaged. It’s especially fun when you keep them out for couple days, then the cat gets even more excited for them hehe
Train your pet some new tricks - it can take time and effort, but they really enjoy it. I often find Chumka waiting on the table, looking at his (training) snacks, and giving me THE look.
Bird watching - if you’re able to set up a bird feeder in your yard or the window, just do it. It’s like a live TV for your cat(s). Chumka could sit and watch them for hours. And you can even tell how many birds there are, by how fast his tail goes hehe
I mentioned couple other ideas in my blog post. I try to keep the newsletter short and sweet, so feel free to check out the post by clicking below…
To read the full post, click here:
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More reading material on the topic…
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Did you know…
Cats have more bones than us!
While us humans have 206 bones, cats on average have 244. It ranges between 230-250 depending on how long a cat’s tail is and how many toes the cat has.
Cats have 13 ribs; humans have 12. Cats do have clavicles (collar bones) but unlike humans, they are not attached to other bones.
New from Chumka’s Instagram
I wanted to share this wholesome post I made 🥹🥹
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Some cool finds from the internet…
Not sure if this is a “cool” find, but definitely an eye opening one. The article below explains the damage that free roaming cats do to the environment. It’s crazy to see all of the kills in one spot like that.
Memes to brighten your day

That’s it for this week, see you all next week for another Chumka Weekly!
~Paulina & Chumka 🐈⬛

Chumka says hi:)