Hi! I would love to spotlight you!

Let's be furriends!

Welcome to issue #13 of Chumka’s Weekly!

Hello there furriend and happy Caturday! We are done with our camping trip which is so so sad… But it’s kinda nice to be able to sleep in your own bed after being away for 10 days hehe 💛

Hi there, how are you? Let’s be friends!

This is a bit different than my usual newsletter but I am SO EXCITED about this. And I need your '“help”! Sharing just Chumka’s social/ pictures/ etc in here feels… not enough.

I would love to feature you and your pet(s)! I want to switch up in here a little and instead of “New from Chumka’s Instagram”, I want to have “subscriber of the week” or “furriend of the week”

If you can respond to this email and introduce yourself, send a picture of your cat/dog/any pets… whatever feels most natural to you!

Feel free to leave your social media handles!

Do you have any questions on this week’s newsletter? Do you want me to discuss a specific issue or question?

Hit a reply button and let me know! I read and respond to each reply

August Saving Deals are up!

I know it’s a bit “late” but it’s been sooo crazy busy for me

How is this week’s newsletter?

If you liked it, share it with someone who would enjoy it as well 💛 

Did you know…

Our domestic cats and tigers shared a common ancestor around 10.8 million years ago they in fact share 95.6% of their DNA!

You can read more about this in the following two articles:

New from Chumka’s Instagram

Want to be featured? Hit a reply button and introduce yourself, include a picture (or more) of your pet(s)

Feel free to write something about your pets and leave your social media handle(s)!

Some cool finds from the internet…

Swiss cat ladders!

German photographer and architecture enthusiast Brigitte Schuster has documented many of these ladders in Bern, Switzerland. Check out the photographs in the article below:

Memes to brighten your day

That’s it for this week, see you all next week for another Chumka Weekly!

~Paulina & Chumka 🐈‍⬛

Chumka says hi:)