Are you prepared in case of a wildlife encounter?

How I stay safe when adventuring with my cat

Welcome to issue #12 of Chumka’s Weekly!

Hello there furriend and happy Caturday! Chumka had his yearly check up this week and the vet said he is a very healthy kitty! She also said that he is “built solid” but not overweight! He is all muscles thanks to adventuring haha 💛

Wildlife safety tips for adventure cats (pawrents)

We live in British Columbia, Canada; so just about any trip into the woods means encountering wildlife. Thankfully, I’ve done my fair share in solo hiking/ backpacking to spot, be alert, and recognize the dangers/ signs of wildlife. What’s crazy, I even was charged by momma Moose once!

Some of my top tips for staying safe are:

  1. Wildlife is more active during dusk and dawn – so be prepared for that if you go out during those times

  2. Carry appropriate protection equipment AND know how to use it - bear spray, bear bangers, dog spray… you name it 🙂 

  3. Know how to act when you find yourself “eye to eye” with any wildlife

  4. Always keep your pet on leash and stay on the designated paths

  5. Travel with a buddy, if possible

  6. Keep your eyes and ears open

For more in depth guide, head over to my newest blog post!

More reading material on the topic…

How is this week’s newsletter?

If you liked it, share it with someone who would enjoy it as well 💛 

Did you know…

Cats’ rough tongues can lick a bone clean of any shred of meat! Why is their tongue so rough/ sharp?

Click here to read an article discussing 9 possible reasons for cats’ sandpaper like tongue

New from Chumka’s Instagram

Some cool finds from the internet…

Found this really cool article that shows how cats see the world! I love the different photo edits etc.

Memes to brighten your day

That’s it for this week, see you all next week for another Chumka Weekly!

~Paulina & Chumka 🐈‍⬛

Chumka says hi:)